Our Lady of the
Flemish School,
Malines or Brussels workshop
Early 16th century
Madonna and Child
Flemish School,
Malines workshop
16th Century
Our Lady of the Star
Flemish School,
Antwerp or Malines workshop
Early 16th century

Calvary: Christ Crucified, Sorrowing Virgin
and St. John
Malines Workshop
Early 16th century
Sorrowing Virgin
Hispano-Flemish Workshop
First quarter of 16th century
Sorrowing Virgin
Flemish School
First quarter of 16th century

Figures of a Laying
in the Tomb. Mary Cleophas,
Our Lady and St. John
Flemish School,
Malines workshop
Early 16th century
Saint Lucia
Flemish School,
Malines workshop
Early 16th century
Saint Roc
Flemish School,
Malines workshop
End of the first quarter
of the 16th century
